Join Dan’s Advanced Review Team and get free copies of all of Dan’s books for life (Dan’s life, that is).

What exactly is a Review Team, then?
You will join a select group of readers who have volunteered to read and then to review advance copies of my new releases. It is a standard practice in the industry that when a book is released, some people get Advance Review Copies (ARCs). ARCS are sent out in exchange for an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads or whatever eBook seller platform that the reader frequents.

What’s in it for me as a reader?
Join the Advance Review Team and you’ll get a free review copy in ebook format of every book that I release. You’ll get to be among the first to read these books. And you get to support an indie author and feel super good about it.

What does Dan get out of this?
These reviews are critical in helping to launch new books and getting attention for existing ones. Along with a great cover, review scores and the numbers of reviews a book has create the first impression of that book for prospective readers. Considering only about 1% – 5% of readers leave a review, they are pure gold, especially to someone starting out with their author career. In short, it will help me get noticed and sell more books.

This sounds great, what do I have to do?
You will receive each new book before the official release date, which gives you time to read and review the book before it is “launched”. Post your review on Amazon and/or Goodreads or your favourite site / your blog. Then you keep getting free books before anyone else, you lucky thing, you.

But haven’t read Dan’s books yet. Can I still sign up?
But of course! When you sign up you get will get copies of the first books in the Gunpowder & Alchemy and the Immortal Knight Chronicles. Then you’ll be good to go.

Right, I’m in! How do I join?
Just click here to sign up.

If you want to talk about it or have questions I’d love for you to email me at


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