What is the koryos?

In my new fantasy novel GODBORN: GODS OF BRONZE BOOK 1 the main characters begin the story in a special kind of warband called a “koryos“.

This concept was a historical reality.

So what was it?

Watch my video on the koryos to find out or read on.

In prehistoric Europe and Western Asia the people of the steppe waged war against one another and against settled peoples in the form of the raid.

There were no armies in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Conflict between groups was waged by small warbands stealing cattle and abducting women with which to strengthen their own tribes.

These warbands were primarily “the business of the adolescent boys, who functioned as highly mobile guerilla bands and at the same time learned hardiness, self-control, stealth and strategy, and other warrior qualities.” [from The One-Eyed God by Kris Kershaw].

The koryos was the band of these warrior novices. It was a cultic warrior brotherhood, that is, the youths’ formation was as much religious as it was martial, and the ties that bound them were as strong as blood. The commonly used term for this cultic band is “Mannerbund” from the later German tradition.

Koryos” is a reconstructed word from the Proto-Indo-European language. The leader of these bands was called the “koryonos“.

In the ancient past the people who practised the koryos periodically ejected the bands of warrior youths who pushed out at the boundaries of their lands. They often conquered and subjugated the people there before settling down in the new lands and sending their own sons off in turn.

In this way, the tradition spread across Eurasia from Ireland to India and even beyond.

This activity of bands of youths preying upon the clans around them continued for millennia and was seen for example in the initiations of Spartan youths and the cattle raids of the Irish and cultic bands in India.

The tradition of a group of warriors swearing unbreakable fealty to their lord is also seen in the Roman tradition of the comitatus and the Saxon fyrd and even continued in the form of “secret societies” into the modern period.

The remnants of the deep religious importance of the koryos is seen in folkloric traditions such as “The Wild Hunt” of the Germanic peoples that continued in England (and even into the Wild West – do you know Ghost Riders in the Sky?)

So there you have a brief outline of the koryos.

Put simply it’s a tradition that changed the world.